A Beginner's Guide to Setting Up Your Own Unturned Server

If you've ever wanted to play Unturned with friends or create a server for others to join, you're in the right place! Starting your own server might seem a bit tricky, especially if you're new to this. But don't worry – this article is here to help you through the process and make it easy and fun.

Defining Your Goals:

Before we get started, let's figure out why you want to create a server. There are usually two reasons:

  1. Playing with Friends:

    If you just want to enjoy Unturned with your friends, we'll show you how to set up a private server that's perfect for your gaming buddies.

  2. Creating a Server for Others:

    Maybe you're thinking bigger and want to make a server for others to join later. Our guide will help you set up your server, and once you're ready, you can explore another article on enabling connections for additional players. This way, your Unturned world can become a hub for players far and wide.

No matter your goal, this article is designed to make things simple and guide you step by step. Let's start your journey to having your own Unturned server and lots of gaming fun!

Now that you've decided to embark on the journey of creating your own Unturned server, let's explore two methods to achieve this. The first method involves using steamCMD, while the second, which we'll focus on for its simplicity, utilizes the 'Unturned Dedicated Server' app.

Using the Unturned Dedicated Server App:

  1. Begin by installing the Unturned Dedicated Server app. You can find it here.
  2. Once installed, right-click on the app icon, navigate to Properties, then select Installed Files and click Browse.
  3. Within the files, locate the Servers folder, which is currently empty since we haven't set up a server yet. Let's remedy that.
  4. Launch the unturned.exe file, and it will automatically create your server. Once the process is complete, type shutdown in the console to turn it off.

Note: Your server runs only when the console is active. Closing the console shuts down the server. Remember to turn off your server before making any changes to the files.

Congratulations! You've successfully created your own Unturned server. Now, let's proceed with the setup.

Setting Up a Login Token:

  1. To allow other players to connect to your server, you need a login token. Visit the Steam Game Server Account Management page.
  2. Log in to your Steam account, ensuring it meets specific requirements, including not being community banned and having no limitations.
  3. Locate the App ID of the base game field and insert the Unturned ID: 304930. Click 'Create' to generate a login token.
  4. Copy the generated token and open the config.json file located at


  5. In the config.json file, find the 'Login_Token' field and paste your token, making it look like this:
    "Login_Token": "68B214CF96F30B6FF23A9F2CDF6637C4"

Well done! Your server is now secured with a login token.

Control Files:

Here are three essential files that allow you to control various aspects of your server:

Further Step:

Now that you've set up your Unturned server and equipped yourself with essential knowledge, it's time to embark on an exciting gaming adventure with your friends or a growing community!

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